Order The Manual

The manual is required for the class.

If you already have a copy of the manual, you do not need to buy another for the class. If you do not have one, you can order from https://www.everymovecounts.net/orderthemanual.html .

Every Move Counts, Clicks and Chats (emc3)

Many persons with significant physical, sensory-motor, communicative and developmental differences find the effort to communicate difficult. Only when we learn to recognize and consistently reinforce their communication will they find the effort worthwhile.

Every Move Counts represents the completion of a 33-month Innovative Research Grant awarded by the National Institutes of Health and funded through the National Institutes for the Neurologically and Communicatively Disordered.

Ninety-one children and 41 speech/language pathologists, occupational therapists and educators from seven different sites participated in the implementation and validation of the Every Move Counts approach. The original Every Move Counts manual has been updated and revised and is now Every Move Counts, Clicks and Chats (emc3). The work represents a synthesis of the research in the areas of communication, sensory integration, education, occupational therapy, and vision.


SLP, OT, PT, educators, family, vision, diagnostician

This information is relevant to the needs of those individuals who are currently unable to communicate their wants and needs spontaneously in their environment, regardless of age or severity of physical and/or cognitive differences

Learning Objectives of the Workshop:

  • Through video recorded lectures, video examples, and case studies, participants will learn to
  • Recognize and understand the role of abilities rather than disabilities as they relate to a process- rather than product-oriented approach to assessment and implementation strategies, the development of a functional communication system, and identification of appropriate assistive technology tools.
  • Understand the relationship of sensory integration and communication. 
  • Develop a broader understanding of how to avoid prompting, shaping and time delays during early communication.
  • Identify interests and abilities through a process-based approach to assessment.
  • Design an effective, individualized communication program that builds on the abilities and interests identified through the Every Move Counts, Clicks and Chats (emc3) assessment. 
  • Effectively integrate a communication program that builds on the abilities identified through the assessment protocol. 
  • Understand the relationship of switch use, symbol understanding, low tech communication and assistive technology (including sgd/voca).
  • Recognize five levels of sequential strategies that support the development of communication and purposeful switch use.
  • Effectively integrate communication training into daily activities through appropriate choice-making opportunities.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of tools and strategies.
    Identify, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of Assistive Technology tools and strategies.


  • When is it?

    You can start any time. The information will be released every 3 weeks & you have 6 months to complete it.

  • How much is it?


  • Do I have to buy the manual?

    Yes, The manual is required for the class. If you already have a copy of the manual, you do not need to buy another for the class. If you do not have one, you can order from https://www.everymovecounts.net/orderthemanual.html .

  • Will I get CEUs for attending?

    You will be provided with a certificate of completion when you’ve completed all requirements, which credit you with 14 hours of learning. You will also be provided with a content matter outline. If you need professional development/ CEU hours for licensure or certification, you may submit these documents for approval. Requirements vary across states and occupations.

  • How is the course laid out?

    The sessions are available on a 3 week schedule. If you complete, submit, & get acknowledgement for an assignment before the 3 weeks is up you can’t move on until the next session is released. The idea behind the way this is set up (with 3 weeks between the sessions) is so that you have 3 weeks to work on & apply what you just learned before adding in the next bit of information.

  • Anything else I should know?

    There are 6 sessions so you have about 21 weeks to complete the course. The Zoom sessions are a part of the course & you are expected to attend at least 1 of them, in order to ask questions and discuss anything about which you are not clear. You are welcome & encouraged to attend as many as you can during your course.